Checklist Update

You know that checklist you have rolling around in your head of all the things you want to get done this summer? Now that school has started, here is the update to mine. You can see which things made it to the DONE side and which fell through... the best laid plans right?

Buy another Red Rollie Chair- still need to make an IKEA trip. (Didn't happen. With my new classroom set up in KINDERGARTEN it wasn't necessary. 

Add Bulletin Board Above Cubbies- I did not add a bulletin board, but I glued/taped my large alphabet that we will use for our letter of the week there. 
Deep Clean/Organization of Library- Books were separated into those that I can use for my kinders this year, and those that need to stay home. Then my mom and brother and I spent an afternoon sorting many of them by level. Still need to sort the rest by topic. 
Add Shelving to Cabinets Done! 
Trade Blue Table for Red- That handsome man I live with took care of this for me when he carted my books out. I was told by three different teachers that I have the sweetest husband. It's totally true. 
Lower Tables- Done! Now they are kinder sized! 
Make Chair Pockets with polka dot ribbon edging- yeah... this ended up being a little too ambitious.
Add Poly Pellets to Bean Bags- Where do they all go?
Get another Polka Dot Rug- We made one trip at the beginning of the summer and will be back for a rollie chair and some of those $5 stools they have in my signature colors!
Low Shelves Across Back of the Room for Library Books- I didn't end up needing them with my smaller classroom library. 
Print Pretty Labels for Banker Boxes- just because. But this is low on the list at this point of the year. 
Secure Book Labels to Baskets- the tape method this year just didn't work out. They were falling off all the time! Time for an overhaul.
Teacher Toolbox- Pinterest Envy. I think it will really help my teacher area feel tidy since I don't have  a desk. But still hasn't happened
Birthday Pixie Sticks-  I'm terrible about being prepared for birthdays. I hope to prevent that this year!
Readjust Computer Station- DONE
Create Listening/Computer Station- Our Head of School bought K-3 all their own listening station! Hurrah! 
Line Clear Sterilite Drawers with Patterned Paper- gotta hide all my crap!

Pretty pleased with how much I got done- yet you never get it all done do you? What got kicked off your summer to do list? What got added?

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